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The Jaguar Club of Southern New England
Your JCNA Affiliate Club for Connecticut, Rhode Island & Western Mass
JCSNE promotes ownership,
operation, preservation
and restoration of
Jaguar automobiles.
JCSNE Logo - No Border

             2023 JCSNE CONCOURS  
2023 JCSNE Concours June 25

HomeJoin JCSNE

MEMBERSHIP except where noted below, is by calendar year and will expire and be renewable at the end of the current year. Included are membership in JCNA and a subscription to its bimonthly Jaguar Journal magazine.


JAN-JUN SIGNUPS: Dues is $65 with the club's digital newsletter, or $80with the printed & mailed newsletter.

JUL-SEP SIGNUPS: Dues is $50 with the club's digital newsletter, or $60 with the printed & mailed newsletter.

OCT-DEC SIGNUPS: Membership extends through to the end of the following calendar year. Dues is $80 with the club's digital newsletter, or $100 with the printed & mailed newsletter.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP is available to current members of other JCNA-affiliated clubs. You will be required to enter club name and your membership number during the signup process. No second JCNA membership or additional Jaguar Journal are included. Dues is $25 with the club's digital newsletter, or $40 with the printed & mailed newsletter.

YOUNG ENTHUSIAST MEMBERSHIP is available to individuals 25 years of age or younger. Dues are $25.00 and include the Jaguar Journal, and the JCSNE digital newsletter, "The Spotted Cat". (No printed newsletter is available for this class of membership.)

ADVERTISING:  This category is not for membership. Rather, it allows for businesses to pay for and have placed advertisements in the JCSNE’s bimonthly newsletter. Advertisements can be full-page, half-page, quarter-page, or business card sized, all subject to current pricing. All advertisements must be “camera-ready” and are subject to approval. 

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